Parmi les activités du week-end, pour moi, il y a eu la préparation de la diffusion du très touchant message de Lama Samten Yéshé Rinpoché, avec le concours de Lamala bien sûr et de Josette, fidèle pratiquante et secrétaire de Tazig Samten Ling. Après de multiples échanges téléphoniques pour traduire et écrire précisément la pensée de Lamala, je suis heureuse de le partager ici avec vous.
FR/ENG – En cette période particulière que nous traversons, Lama Samten Yéshé Rinpoché nous envoie ce message. Un grand merci à lui.
In this special period that we are going through, Lama Samten Yéshé Rinpoche sends us the following message. Many thanks to him
“Dear Tazig organizers, dear Sangha members,
Today I want to speak for you and for the Tazig group, but also for everyone: Chineses, Italians, Europeans, Americans…, for all beings. Some people have died from coronavirus, others are very sick, there is sadness, and many people are afraid right now. We are going through a difficult time for everyone and I have great compassion for everyone.
I encourage you to practice compassionately and try to help, if you can, within your means. This disease was created by the human being, because the Man did not respect nature, killed and ate large or small animals… We must now forgive heartedly and a deep compassion for all this too, use the time available to us to practice and clean up all the negative karmas created by human beings.
Let us practice the refuge with confidence, be patient to protect ourselves from this virus by the energies of the three jewels and by the means which medicine or any other method offer us.
Anyone can try to help, praying with compassion, sincerely, with all their heart for the dead, for example. We can also help by speaking and spreading positive messages, by not conveying fear, by reassuring our family, people who are sad and people who are afraid.
And even if we cannot help in this way, we can still help by simply avoiding going out so as not to spread the virus. And even if we are not afraid, we must not spread the virus nor the negative energy around us. We have to take care of ourselves and others. Don’t go out. Do not become contagious. Do not transmit the virus. Even if we have to remain, for the moment, confined, it is important not to get into the emotions, to remain fearless, stressless. We can consider confinement a bit like a retreat.
Keep in mind that if I am not present in Montpellier, Lauris, Carcassonne, Rogues, I am here with my heart. I pray for you. You are in my prayers. I pray that you avoid the danger, keep the precious life, use the practice. Be careful not to practice emotionally, with fear, but seek solution wisely. For this, we must first recognize the danger, and recite the mantra of Sipai Gyalmo: OM A BE YA NA PO BE SÖ SO HA, which transforms and avoids the disease.
On Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, the usual days for courses and lessons, I have a particular thought for you. I also think and pray a lot for the medical staffs, doctors, nurses, who are really in my heart.
Until he situation retturns to normal, I remain in Paris, in safety, in the family of my Tibetan friend, because I cannot stay in the center of Montpellier and go to take my meals outside, nor to stay in other families by taking the risk of possibly infecting other people when traveling to return there.
You too, stay safe, do not invite friends or family to your home. Stay confined and pay attetnion to your word, don’t spread fear, don’t spread the virus. Staying at home is saving others and yourself. “
Lama Samten Yéshé Rinpoche
Merci cher Lama pour ce beau message, aussi sensible que responsable.
Oui, un grand merci à lui pour sa présence et sa sagesse. Beaucoup de personnes ont été très touchées par son message et nous l’ont fait savoir. Ça fait chaud au cœur.